Circus Amok’s 2011-2012 season is funded in part by:
- The National Endowment for the Arts
- The New York State Council for the Arts
- NYC’s Department of Cultural Affairs
- The MAP Fund
- The Mental Insight Foundation
- A.R.T
And by generous, heartfelt donations from fans and friends!
Past Funders have included:
The Astraea National Lesbian Action Foundation , The Brooklyn Arts Council, The Buddy Fund (Rockefeller), Creative Time, The Franklin Furnace Fund for Performance Art, The Gunk Foundation, The Jerome Foundation, Meet the Composer, The New York State Council for the Arts, The New York Foundation for the Arts, The National Endowment for the Arts, The MAP Fund (Rockefeller), The Nancy Quinn Fund, New York City’s Department of Cultural Affairs, Northstar, The Open Meadows Foundation, and The Puffin Foundation.